Recent Topics
Existing user account when trying to register
Says we already have an account which we don’t. In trying to change password for said account, system was unresponsive. What has caused this and how do I solve it?
Payment option only limited to debit/credit card and provider is not flexible to accommodate other methods of payment e.g., EFT I want to be able to pay offline and still activate my account.
Deleting Account
There is no option or path that allows me to delete my account, I want to be able to delete my account and reregister
Cart Orders
Cart not flexible to allow us to change subscription order from 1 month to quarterly. It adds onto previous orders and cannot remove unwanted orders. Can you make the cart allow us to change and edit orders right until i pay?
Previewing the Valuation Report
We are not able to preview the report before we submit and are not able to view the submitted report after submission. If we were able to view the report, we would be able to give the bank more feedback.
Insurance Replacement Cost
The platform didn’t have a template or form to do the insurance replacement cost of the property. We don’t know if the platform calculates the costs on the behalf of the valuers or not.
Valuation Template
The valuation template is a one size fits all, they should have separate templates for vacant land/undeveloped land valuations, residential, farms/ agricultural properties, and commercial properties e.g, offices/Industrial/Retail, Hotels and Guest Houses
The comparable sales that are generated to choose from don’t show the location, only plot numbers. We were valuing a plot in Kumakwane, we didn’t know if the comparable sales that the system generated were for Gaborone, Francistown, Gantsi e.t.c
Selection of Comparables
As a valuer I am not able to select my own comparables, it seems like the platform selects for me. Is it possible for it to allow me to select or to add my own comparables.
Financing Real Estate
Introduction It's a common misconception that you need to have a lot of money to buy real estate. In fact, the opposite is true. You don't need much cash at all; in fact, I've found that many of my best deals were financed with as little as P5K—and often
How Real Estate Investing Works
Introduction Real estate investing is a great way to invest in an asset you can use. It's also a great source of passive income, which means that it doesn't require much effort on your part once you have the right strategy in place. The key is knowing
Why a Valuers Forum?
We consider Valuation Practitioners key stakeholders in gosmartvalue, we welcome open, fair and professional discussions on valuation methods, experiences and learnings. This forum is meant to bring together our valuation experts who are using this platform
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Welcome to the gosmartvalue Community lets you build a powerful community that enables you to reduce the risk in your real estate endeavors. We love to hear your Ideas, Questions, Problems and Discussions, to enable us to serve you better and provide